How To Make A Beautiful Yet
Cheap Baby Gift Basket 

homemade newborn baby gift box on a budget

Let me show you how to make a cheap baby gift basket. With cheap I mean inexpensive and not looking cheesy at all! I have frugal tips and ideas for you since you can save a lot if you just know how!

Basically, an inexpensive gift basket for a newborn is made the same way, as any other gift box. That's why you might like to check out my page about how to make a newborn baby gift basket, too.

Then come back and read my ideas on how to make a low budget version for around 15 bucks that still looks absolutely beautiful and no-one will guess it was made that low-priced.  



Finding A Box For Your Gift Basket 

First of all, the basket can be a box, too! And it does not necessarily have to be a new one. Why not search your basement for a suitable box and decorate it nicely? Empty fruit baskets, small laundry baskets, a big bread basket or even a shoe box are great for that purpose. If you do not have anything that fits at home, go to the supermarket and see whether you can get a free box (for example a fruit or vegetable basket) from there.

Alternatively, go to your local crafts store, to the Thrift Store or the Dollar Store or to a similar store concept. You will surely find something suitable and inexpensive there. You might even find a cardboard box with a baby theme in pink or blue. Have a look at my bargain below! 

If you need to pimp up your box, decorate it with stickers and put a burp cloth that overlaps the box or even cheaper a colorful napkin in it.

The basket I have used above is a cardboard fruit basket (originally used for apples) where I simply put some baby stickers on. It does look nice and if made for that purpose, doesn't it?

For a baby girl gift basket use pink as your main color. I got the box pictured below for just 2 Dollars. The lid can go under the box. For a baby boy blue is the perfect color and for a unisex gift yellow, orange and beige are fine.

If you need to buy a new basket consider taking one which comes in handy for the new family later on, too. For example a fabric-lined basket can serve as a box to keep diapers on the changing table while a cardboard box can be used to collect baby's keepsakes.   

perfect box for making a baby girl gift basket!

Items To Include In A Cheap Baby Gift Basket

There are many low priced baby items to fill your basket with. Just search for inexpensive, practical items. Do not hesitate to go to a Dollar Store, they might have something suitable and sometimes you can really find good bargains there - but you have to look for quality items! Very 'impressive' but low cost additions to a cheap baby gift basket are for example:

- burp cloths
- bibs 
- teething toys
- small rattles
- cuddly toys
- baby bottles
- a bottle brush
- socks
- pacifiers, maybe with a funny saying printed on
- a baby bath thermometer
- onesies
- baby booties
- a rubber ducky
- a pack of plastic baby spoons
- a super soft baby hairbrush
- a sun hat
- a cap
- soft baby books 

Also, baby body care products always are a good choice since most of them can be used for a long time. So even if the new parents get tons of these, you never can have too many! Select a good variety of baby shampoo, baby lotion, powder, baby oil, baby bath, baby sunscreen lotion, diaper rash ointment, diapers, etc. Look out for trial sizes or travel pack sizes which will save you big.

When at the Dollar Store, have a look for baby photo props or baby shower muffin decorating sets. Usually they have a stick to hold and can be placed in a basket easily. 

When browsing through a baby store you'll surely find a lot more things that fit into your basket as the choice is vast and you might catch some cool items on sale.

Another good idea is to include an issue of a parenting magazine. 

Inexpensive baby care travel pack sizes:

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How To Arrange Things In Your Basket 

small but effective decoration in a baby gift basket: sock flower

Place your items in a nice way into the box or basket. Sometimes it can be helpful to fill the bottom of the basket with some cotton balls, flat or rolled diapers, a baby cloth or even some scrunched up paper. Then all your things might fit into the basket more smoothly. 

If you have onesies, bibs or socks you can roll them up and make little and decorative flowers or cupcakes: how to make sock flowers.

For that last piece of perfection use clear gift foil wrap as well as a broad ribbon, or even several thin ribbons to decorate your cheap baby gift basket. This makes your gift look rather 'lavish'!

Cut a big rectangular piece of foil and place the finished basket in the middle. Take the ends of the foil and bring them together at both sides. Twirl the foil a little bit so it stays up. Finally, use the ribbon(s) to fix the foil in a nice way (for details see picture).

Et voila, here you have a very beautiful, yet inexpensive baby gift basket!

And let's stress this again:
a cheap baby gift basket needs not look cheap at all!


A Bag Is A Good Basket As Well :-)

You do not necessarily need a basket at all. If you use a sturdy baby gift bag you can place your gifts in there. Here I have placed 4 diaper babies (made of 4 diapers and 4 pairs of baby socks) and some decoration in a baby gift bag and that's it. Looks nice, doesn't it?   

a pink polka dot gift bag with the heads of 4 diaper babies sticking out, one is wearing a crowna perfect inexpensive gift for a little newborn princess!

More Tips On Savings:

  • Check out travel sizes of the body care products. Sometimes trial size packs with various baby care products are available at a reduced price. You can even ask for free samples and baby freebies at the chemist or drugstore.     



  • To decorate your basket add one or several tissue paper flowers or napkin flowers. All you need is a napkin and they are easy to make and look very pretty. You can use them to make your basket look 'fuller' ;-) 

  • If you want to include baby clothing into your basket, to make savings, buy anti-seasonal but consider you'll need a bigger size so it will still fit baby by the time of the year.   




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