A Baby Time Capsule - A Real Treasure!

What is a baby time capsule? In case you should not be familiar with the term let me shortly explain what it is and what it is good for: a time capsule is a box containing a baby's firsts, memorabilia, keepsakes, stories, photos and more reflecting a certain date and time period, in that case the time when baby was born or was small. 

The idea is that the container will be stored away and only be opened at baby's 18th or 21st birthday or any other birthday or occasion such as his or her wedding, etc. 

When the time capsule is opened, it will be interesting to see how things have changed and probably the nostalgic keepsakes will provoke a few giggles, too. 

Who Can Make a Time Capsule?

A baby time capsule is a great new baby gift from a close relative or from a very close friend to give to baby and the parents.

But of course, a newborn time capsule also is a wonderful surprise from the parents to their little one to preserve all kinds of firsts and stories of their kid. Start to collect all of  your baby's firsts and other memories and give them to your child when he / she turns 18! Learn here how to make this wonderful gift and precious keepsake.

a public place at an Irish village with a  stone well and a plaque telling you about the millennium time capsule, to be opened in 2100millennium fete time capsule at Irish village

Who Can I Make A Time Capsule For?

A time capsule is not only a great newborn gift but also something special for baby's 1st birthday and for older kids.

It even makes a great surprise for big birthdays such as a 18th, 21st or 50th birthday and many of my ideas can be used for all time capsules and not just for babies. 

My tips on how to make a baby time capsule are meant to help and inspire both parents as well as family and friends wanting to make a special and creative homemade gift. 

some of baby's firsts such as an outfit, a hat, a curl and a pacifier laid out on the flooreverything worth to keep: from baby's hospital hat to baby's first curl

Definitely worth to keep! Some of baby's firsts such as baby's hospital hat, baby's hospital onesie, first pants, first curl and first pacifier. 


Before You Begin...

Bear in mind and be aware that a baby time capsule gift definitely is no last minute gift but needs some planning and a lot of preparation ahead! So you should have plenty of time and resources to build a beautiful keepsake for baby. 

How To Make A Baby Time Capsule And What To Include?

If you are planning to make a time capsule for baby's birth, first look through my baby time capsule ideas of what to possibly include. Click the link below and find 50+ awesome time capsule ideas.
Decide for yourself what you want to add to your customized time capsule and how to create a really unrivaled personalized baby gift and keepsake to be treasured today and in the far future. Finally, choose an appropriate time capsule container. Read my tips below on how to find a suitable box. 

When making a time capsule gift, please do not just throw all your items into the container. Consider that certain items such as newspapers, photos and personal notes might deteriorate over time. Therefore, in order to best protect them, put them in acid free envelopes, zippered plastic bags or even vacuum sealed bags. Doing so ensures maximum protection and will make your gift last! 


This page deals with general tips on time capsules, go here for 

more than 50 time capsule ideas of what to include.

How Do I Wrap Or Box My Time Capsule?

For your homemade time capsule, you need to pick a suitable box, chest or container. The size, design and style really depend on what you want to include in your time capsule gift. Therefore this would be one of the last things to get. You best put all your items together and then look for a suitable and durable container which accommodates and protects everything. 

Consider these two possibilities: either you fill the time capsule with your ideas and then seal it with a label saying 'only to be opened on or after...'. Then nothing else can be added anymore.

Alternatively, you can choose a box leaving space for more keepsakes to be added by the parents such as baby's first tooth, its first curl, its first paintings, etc. Sometimes it is also necessary that you yourself add something later on because it is not available yet such as a bottle of wine of baby's year of birth.

Your container could be a metal box, a plastic bin, a thick cardboard box, a storage box with a lid, a toy box, a treasure chest or trunk. View some beautiful and decorative boxes for making a time capsule for baby here.

#ad Decorative time capsule boxes.


You might also like to design the box yourself by taking an empty shoe box and by laminating it with nice (wrapping) paper. Another fancy homemade idea is a piece of laminated drainpipe with sealed ends.

To personalize your box, use a name sticker or foam letters / wooden letters on top. Do not forget to mark the date the container may be opened!

Can I Buy A Time Capsule?

For your convenience you can buy ready-made time capsule gift sets. They do not leave much room for your own creativity and customization and they are rather basic and small. Therefore, if you want a personal and unique gift, I would not necessarily opt for one of these.

On the other hand, if you are pressed for time and if you are not inclined to do much thinking and organizing, they certainly are an alternative.


Should I Bury My Time Capsule?

Some people think it is a good idea to bury the time capsule in the garden. In most cases I would not recommend this. People might move or the time capsule might be forgotten and lost. And, if you want to bury the capsule, you need a special container! It needs to be air-tight and you have to ensure your contents will not deteriorate and be useless. That really would be a pity after all your efforts! Having said that, I'd only bury a ready-made time capsule that is meant and guaranteed to be buried. 

Opening The Time Capsule...

A baby time capsule is an amazing gift which baby will truly appreciate in adulthood. Which grown-up doesn't like to think of the 'good old times', dreaming of days gone by and things and stories almost forgotten...

And maybe you can even be present when the box will be opened!?

What to include: 50+ ideas to put in your time capsule!

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