Quotes About Babies 

Every new parent will love these adorable quotes about babies. These sayings capture the beauty and wonder of having a baby in our lives. They remind us of the incredible joy and love that babies bring to their families.

These newborn sayings are less familiar and more exceptional than what you usually find.

Use these inspirational quotes when you write a new baby congratulations card, for your new baby announcement or add them to your photo album, social media posts to celebrate milestones or for scrapbooking.

sleeping baby with baby quote: "Honey is sweet. A little baby is even sweeter". Asian SayingThe sweetest!

A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years and in your heart until the day you die. (Mary Mason)

Babies are like little suns that, in a magical way, bring warmth, happiness and light into our lives. (Kartini Diapari-Oengider)

The jewel of the sky is the sun, the jewel of the house is the baby / child. (Chinese baby proverb)

Babies are like snowflakes - each one is beautifully unique. 

Words can not express the joy of new life. (Hermann Hesse)

A baby is a little bit of heaven sent down to earth.

Babies are amazing. They begin each day all warm and sleepy, smelling of promise. (Julia Roberts)

Having a newborn brings a whole new meaning to the saying "It's the little things in life!" ((c)Eva Dittmer)

A happy baby has shining eyes. It walks open hearted into the world and spreads magic. (Sigid Leo)

Do you ever look at your baby and just smile? Not because your baby did something amazing, just smiling because you realize how blessed you really are. 

A baby's smile is pure, soulful, and melts our hearts.

a smiling baby and baby quote written on the photocertainly brightening my days with her smile ❤️

More Quotes About Babies

A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on. (Carl Sandburg)

A new baby is like the beginning of all things - wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities. (Eda J. Le Shan)

Babies are born to be loved unconditionally.

A baby is sunshine and moonbeams and more, brightening your world as never before. 

A baby is an angel whose wings decrease as his legs increase. 

With every newborn baby a little sun rises. (Irmgard Erath)

It makes me smile knowing that my little baby is half me and half the person I love. 

Having a baby is like having a bit of heaven right here on earth.

Carrying a baby is the most rewarding experience a woman can enjoy. (Jayne Mansfield)

Having a baby is a life-changer. It gives you a whole other perspective on why you wake up every day. (Taylor Hanson)

Perfection only exists in babies and in pastries. (Gayle Wray)

sleeping baby girl and baby quote "Having a baby is like having a bit of heaven right here on earth."so precious ❤️

Inspirational Quotes About Babies

Honey is sweet. A little baby is even sweeter.  (Asian saying)

Baby laughs are why I love being a parent. Nothing compares to that sound. Nothing.

A baby is born with a need to be loved - and never outgrows it.  (Frank A. Clark)

A baby is a sweet new blossom of humanity. 

Happiness is your baby's first toothless smile.

A baby is as pure as an angel and as fresh as a blooming flower. (Debasish Mridha)

A baby is born with a need to be loved and never outgrows it. (Frank A. Clark)

When babies look beyond you and giggle maybe they're seeing angels (Eileen Elias Freeman)

Your baby will outgrow your lap. But never your heart!

A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.

A baby's smile is a bit of sunlight wrapped in your arms.

Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with your husband and your child. (Tina Brown)

Still the most magical day of my life was the day I became a mom. (Linda Becker)

My precious baby, you will always be the miracle that makes my life complete.

A baby is the exclamation mark in the happiest sentence a parent would ever write.

I do not know who you'll be but I know you are my everything.

It's a good thing babies do not give you a lot of time to think. You fall in love with them and when you realize how much they love you back, life is very simple. (Anita Diamant)

A baby's laugh is like an angel's voice.

sleeping baby and baby quote about the little things in lifenew baby quote (c)Eva Dittmer

More newborn quotes.

View more quotes about babies on Pinterest.

Use these short quotes about babies for your new baby announcement or for congratulating a family to a new baby.

They are also cute to use as a wall decoration for the nursery, for your family photo album and for personalized gifts for your wife, husband, grandmother, granddad, aunt, uncle, godfather, godmother...  

Remember, baby quotes can bring smiles and create a sense of warmth and love. They can be used in various ways to celebrate the joy of parenthood and the preciousness of a newborn baby in your family.

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