Boy Diaper Cake

by Ashley Phillips
(Connelly Springs, N.C., United States)

This boy diaper cake contains 19 size 1 diapers, one regular lime green blanket, a baby bottle to hold up the middle, a plush toy and a pacifier.
Around the blanket is ribbon noise sucker, a medicine dropper and lots of confetti. I made this cake for my best friend.

About 3 months after I had made this, a woman I knew asked me if I made diaper cakes and she asked me whether I could possibly make one for her. That's how I started my small business Diaper Cake Cutore & More By Ashley Phillips.
To contact me or if you want to order a cake go to my website:!/pages/Diaper-Cake-Cutore-More-By-Ashley-Phillips/232649756786276.

Thank you.

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Nov 29, 2011
Simple and Cute!
by: Jamie

Love it! I bet it was a big hit! It's not too big, which keeps it from getting too busy. That's good :)

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