21 Gifts

by Janine
(New Jersey)

baby time capsule - 21 gifts for baby

baby time capsule - 21 gifts for baby

My daughter is planning a time capsule first birthday party for my granddaughter. It's to be opened on her 21st birthday.

My mom died when I was 18 so for me as the grandmother I want it to be a very special gift from my husband and me. I'm planning on fillng a box with family heirlooms and notes explaining where they came from. A bottle of champagne, a piece of jewelry and other special things. She will have 21 gifts to open from us.

I hope to see her open it, but if not she will have all these things from us!

I think a time capsule is a wonderful idea!

Comment by Eva from best-baby-gifts.com:
Dear Janine, I think this is a really cute idea with the 21 gifts and including memories from a grandma and family heirloom, too. Have fun preparing all this and then opening the baby time capsule together at your granddaughters 21st birthday!

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