My First Diaper Baby Cake

by Myra Alicea
(Palm Beach Gardens, FL USA)

girl diaper cake

girl diaper cake

My First Diaper Baby Cake: I had so much fun making this cake!

First thing I did was create my tiers. Then I wanted to make this cake come to life, so I created a baby out of diapers. I attached the diaper baby so it appeared to be trying to get the lollipop at the top of the cake.

I had so much fun making this cake that I am now taking orders and look forward to creating many different diaper designs and cakes. This is a fun business and I look forward to making our future mommies smile.


Dear Myra,

Thanks so much for submitting your beautiful diaper cake photos and for briefly describing how you made it. This diaper baby cake looks just awesome and I am really astonished it turned out so well - especially since you state it is the first diaper cake you made.

I wish you good luck with your new business venture! Besides this website I have a diaper cake business myself (shipping to Germany, Austria and Switzerland only) and it truly is a fun and very rewarding job.

If you want to send in more photos of your future cakes please feel free to do so.
Do not forget to include your business details, your social media channels and how people can reach you if they want to order with you!

(owner of

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