Girl Owl Diaper Cake

by Dani McReynolds
(Hooper, UT)

Girl Owl Diaper Cake

Girl Owl Diaper Cake

My cousin registered at Target and asked for this blanket which had animals on it including a cute owl.

I used your instructions and found accessories that matched the blanket to make this gift. A fun idea and it was pretty easy to do.

It only took me about a half hour once I had everything together. I didn't have a cake pan so I used a metal pie tin :)

Thanks for the cute idea!
Dani McReynolds

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Aug 31, 2016
Diaper owl
by: Lori

I love it.

Sep 23, 2013
Thank you!
by: Eva of

Hi Dani,

I am so excited about your post! You are actually the first getting back to me having used my instructions.
And your owl turned out so cute, I love it!
Good job and thanks for paying forward by posting the photo and telling us about your experience.

Thanks again
Eva (owner

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